I’m a huge fan of podcasts. Back in the early 2000s and through college I ran a podcast with a friend on roller coasters and I’ve never really stopped enjoying listening to them. Back in the early days of podcasting you had to manually download each show and hope that it was tagged with all of the proper identifiers so that your player of choice would let you know what you were listening to. We have come a long way since then, and I’ve even started a new podcast with my wife.
While I enjoy creating podcasts, I really enjoy listening to them. They are the perfect thing to accompany a drive to work and the variety and quality of podcasts today means that everyone can find something they enjoy. I subscribe to a few dozen different podcasts and I thought I would share the 10 that I like the most.
I often find that my podcast choices closely correspond to my interests, but occasionally I listen to some that don’t have anything to do with anything. I’ve broken my list down into three different areas; education, entrepreneurship, and Internet/Design.
Before I dive into the list, I should say that I use Overcast as my podcast player of choice. It has some really great features that I should dedicate a post to at some point, but for now, just know that it’s a fantastic tool.
- The House of EdTech: A show about general educational technology that has a wide range of topics. The host, Chris Nesi, has some great takeaways and always has some interesting guests on his show. He recently covered a series in getting started with podcasting (episodes 96-98) that was really well done. Yours truly was also a past guest (so I might be a bit biased here). I’ve been listening to this show for about 4 years now.
- The Cult of Pedagogy: Former middle school teacher Jennifer Gonzalez brings a smart, interesting show about a wide range of educational topics. I always find myself learning something new, even if the topic does directly relate to my interests. I’m amazing at the quality of the discussion and the consistently solid information brought forward in this podcast.
- The Google Teacher Tribe: As the name indicates, this podcast brings a wealth of information on Google products and education. It’s a newer podcast to my world, but the quality is great and the ideas are fantastic. I consider myself a pretty good Google user, both in and out of the classroom, and this show has taught me a few things.
- StartUp Podcast: Covers the ins and outs of starting a business from the ground up. The whole first season is purely about getting the podcast and related company off the ground. The content is deep, raw, and interesting. I always find myself excited to listen when a new episode comes out.
- Online Course Masters: A podcast about online course making and teaching. There are interviews with experts in the field and it’s amazing how many different topics are taught online. One episode was about online death investigation courses. It was fascinating. Full disclaimer: I make and sell online courses and have talked with the show’s host a number of times on various projects.
- How I Built This: An NPR show that talks to business owners about how they started and grew their businesses. Founders from companies like Ben and Jerry’s, Spanx, and much more can be heard. I find myself learning a lot from this show.
- Hello Internet: Perhaps my favorite podcast ever, this show covers a whole bunch of internet talk. I don’t know how to describe it other than that the two hosts are both professional YouTubers and have a lot of interesting views on the world. I would HIGHLY recommend going back and listening to the show from the start. It’s worth the time investment.
- Cortex: CGP Grew of Hello Internet is back to host another show. This show started off being about work and work processes (something I find fascinating) but has morphed to cover a wide range of topics. I get genuine enjoyment out this show and have found the time listening worthwhile.
- Dear Hank and John: My spirit animal John Green and his brother Hank Green host a weekly show where they answer questions and give advice. The advice is self-labeled as dubious and it is often hilarious. I really like this show and find it heartfelt and enjoyable.
- 99% Invisible: I love this show because it looks are how design choices influence our modern day world. Want to know why a large shirt is the size it is? This show has the answer. It’s seriously awesome and Roman Mars, the host, has the most perfect radio voice ever.
Other Shows I Listen To
I’m not going to include a full list of shows that I listen to but here are some notable ones that are worth a try:
What podcasts do you listen to?
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