Tag: goals

  • Summer Goal Tracking

    Summer Goal Tracking

    With the school year over, I now have a lot of additional time to work on some projects that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. Over the past few months, I’ve felt a little out of control when it comes to getting things done. The end of the school year is particularly…

  • Tracking My Goal Setting

    Tracking My Goal Setting

    A while ago I did a 2017 reflection to see how I stacked up to the goals I set for myself. I’m not big on New Years Resolutions because they often fail and the New Year is an arbitrary date. I haven’t been happy with my progress (or lack thereof) for my goals this year…

  • 2017 Reflection

    I meant to do this post a week or so ago, but I just didn’t get around to it. 2017 was a good year and I wanted to reflect back on my goals for the year and how well I did with them. At the time, I classified them in three different areas: Personal Projects…

  • so this week | new year, new goals | january 2017 week 1

    I’ve decided that I wanted to approach the new year in a different way. My usual take on the new year is that it’s just another day. And, while largely true, I can understand why people use it as a way to begin something new. I don’t think that I’ve ever made a proper resolution…