Tag: so this week
so this week | snow day | march 2017 week #3
so this week | i’m a failure | march 2017 week #2
so this week | he’s growing up so fast | march 2017 week #1
so this week | #dronelife and fake spring | february 2017 week #4
so this week | conference reflection | february 2017 week 3
so this week | single dad 🙁 | february 2017 week 2
so this week | baby with a gopro | february 2017 week 1
so this week | students grade their teacher | january 2017 week 4
so this week | i’m done with teaching | january 2017 week 3
so this week | i’m doing it! | january 2017 week 2
My second week into the new year and I’ve stuck with my goals thus far. I’m pretty happy with myself because I’m not someone who usually sticks to things for long because I always have something new in my mind. My real theme of the year is discipline. I want to be disciplined enough follow…