Tag: udemy
Expanding the Classroom
I am in my 9th year of teaching and I’ve had two very different teaching experiences that greatly influence the ways that I do things in my current classroom. My first teaching job was at an online charter school. I taught my students 100% through video, text, images, and live webcasts. From a creative point…
The Year of Production
I’m an avid listener of podcasts (and I even make one with my wife) and one of my favorite shows, Cortex, had its annual Yearly Themes episode. I’ve always enjoyed these episodes in particular because I like hearing about how different people work and what drives their focus. Both of the hosts are self-employed and…
2017 Reflection
I meant to do this post a week or so ago, but I just didn’t get around to it. 2017 was a good year and I wanted to reflect back on my goals for the year and how well I did with them. At the time, I classified them in three different areas: Personal Projects…