Tag: flipped learning

  • Flipped Classroom: Week #1 Reflection

    Flipped Classroom: Week #1 Reflection

    As I journey into my experiment in a flipped classroom, I thought it appropriate to reflect on what I have learned, discovered, and been challenged with over the course of a week. I hope to keep these updates weekly, but I know what some of the projects my students will be working on will require…

  • I’m Going to Flip My Classroom

    I’m Going to Flip My Classroom

    I’m at a point in my teaching career where I feel that I need to change. I’ve taught the same classes for four years now and I want to challenge myself to do something new. The upcoming school year is presenting me with a few opportunities that should allow me to challenge myself and make…

  • FlipTech East Coast 2018 Reflection

    FlipTech East Coast 2018 Reflection

    I had the pleasure of attendingĀ and presenting at FlipTech East Coast 2018 last weekend and in all honesty, I’m still processing everything. The conference was put together by the great folks at the Flipped Learning Network and to my knowledge, it was the first one they have had on the east coast. Before I dive…

  • How I am in two places at once

    How I am in two places at once

    I’m attending the annual PETE&C conference right now, as I have for the past seven years. Professionally, I love getting to gather with like-minded teachers and admin and exchanging ideas and learning new things, but I also hate leaving my kids. I also hate to think what my 5 classes of 6-8th graders are up…