Category: Blog

  • Recording Your Screen In MacOS

    Recording Your Screen In MacOS

    I recently got around to updating my computer to the newest version of MacOS, Mojave. The feature that I was most looking forward to was dark mode and other than that, I didn’t really take note of anything important. That is until I miss clicked a keyboard shortcut and found a new way to record…

  • My favorite paid apps for content creation

    My favorite paid apps for content creation

    I mentioned in my last post that I really wanted to start to create things this year. As part of that I thought that I would share some of the tools that I use to create things for myself and my classroom. While I really like free tools, sometimes paid options are just better. I…

  • The Year of Production

    The Year of Production

    I’m an avid listener of podcasts (and I even make one with my wife) and one of my favorite shows, Cortex, had its annual Yearly Themes episode. I’ve always enjoyed these episodes in particular because I like hearing about how different people work and what drives their focus. Both of the hosts are self-employed and…

  • Camtasia 2018 Upgrades

    Camtasia 2018 Upgrades

    I’ve been a big fan of Camtasia for several years now. I even teach three online courses on it. They recently released a new version that has a few bells and whistles beyond the previous versions. You can see all of the updates here, but I’m going to focus on some of the ones that…

  • Tracking My Goal Setting

    Tracking My Goal Setting

    A while ago I did a 2017 reflection to see how I stacked up to the goals I set for myself. I’m not big on New Years Resolutions because they often fail and the New Year is an arbitrary date. I haven’t been happy with my progress (or lack thereof) for my goals this year…

  • How I am in two places at once

    How I am in two places at once

    I’m attending the annual PETE&C conference right now, as I have for the past seven years. Professionally, I love getting to gather with like-minded teachers and admin and exchanging ideas and learning new things, but I also hate leaving my kids. I also hate to think what my 5 classes of 6-8th graders are up…

  • How to organize your Google Drive as a teacher

    How to organize your Google Drive as a teacher

    I’ve been using Google in the classroom for about four years now and I constantly find myself helping other teachers in my building with all of the different pieces of Google in education. One of the things that comes up the most often is organization. By default, I don’t think Google does a great job…

  • 2017 Reflection

    I meant to do this post a week or so ago, but I just didn’t get around to it. 2017 was a good year and I wanted to reflect back on my goals for the year and how well I did with them. At the time, I classified them in three different areas: Personal Projects…

  • Changing numbers in an ordered list

    Changing numbers in an ordered list

    I don’t have to use a lot of HTML these days, but it’s always helpful to know how to manipulate it if you need it. In my last post, I had a list of 10 podcasts that I listen to. That list was divided into three different sections. The problem with doing it that way…

  • 10 Podcasts that you should listen to

    10 Podcasts that you should listen to

    I’m a huge fan of podcasts. Back in the early 2000s and through college I ran a podcast with a friend on roller coasters and I’ve never really stopped enjoying listening to them. Back in the early days of podcasting you had to manually download each show and hope that it was tagged with all of…