I’m a massive fan of what Google has been doing in the education field. My students and I use their products every day. I teach others how to use Google Classroom and other G Suite Apps and I often find myself being asked questions about Google products during my school day. After talking to a few educator friends and doing some research, albeit brief, online, I’ve decided to work towards becoming a Google Certified Educator Level 1.
I’m always looking to further my education, skills, and experience (as all educators should) and I feel like this is a natural next step in my process. The basic process that Google puts forward is that you sign-up, take 13 Units of at-your-own-pace instruction/training, and then take a 180 minute exam to test your skills.
I started the process tonight and found the content enjoyable and easily digestible. As I’m very familiar with the basics of Google products, I didn’t think the intro stuff would be too hard. And it wasn’t. The final quiz of the unit left me with a few problems because it was marking questions wrong that I knew were right. I figured out that you must capitalize your fill in the blank responses and I was able to move along from there.
I hope to work towards completing all of the units before winter break and take the test over break. The test costs $10 and I honestly don’t know if passing it does anything for my career, but I’m really more interested in what I can learn from it.
In the past I was an online educator for high school students and I currently sell online courses on a variety of subjects, so I’m interest to see how Google does the whole online education thing. I’ve seen what they have done with Google Classroom (love it) and I want to see how deeply rooted the choices in Google Classroom are to their own instruction.
Wish me luck, it’s time to be professionally developed!
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